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Berthold Technologies

Berthold Technologies is a global detection and automation technology leader in life sciences.

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Berthold Technologies

 Microplate Readers


Multimode Microplate Readers


Fluorescence Microplate Readers


Luminescence Microplate Readers


Absorbance Microplate Readers



Our comprehensive line of reliable Microplate Readers deliver the versatility, sensitivity, precision, dynamic range and throughput you need to solve your complex analytical challenges. Every lab is unique. That's why you deserve a Microplate Reader that fits your needs. Maybe your research requires maximum application flexibility, or high throughput. Perhaps you are looking for simplicity, delivering reliable results. Whatever you need, there is a Berthold Technologies Microplate Reader to fit your research needs.

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Berthold Microplate Readers

Berthold's Microplate Readers

Berthold's Multimode Microplate Reader

Berthold Technologies

TriStar3 LB 942

Modular  Multimode Reader


Berthold's Luminescence Microplate Readers

Berthold Technologies

Centro LB 963

Microplate Luminometer

Centro LB 963 Microplate Luminometer.JPG

Berthold Technologies

Centro XS³ LB 963

High Sensitivity Microplate Luminometer

Centro XS3 LB 963 Microplate Luminometer

Berthold Technologies

Orion II LB 965

Microplate Luminometer

Berthold Orion II LB 965

Berthold's Absorbance Microplate Reader

Berthold Technologies

Apollo 11 LB 913

ELISA Absorbance Reader

Berthold Apollo 11 LB 913

Berthold's Fluorescence Microplate Readers

Berthold does not have a dedicated Fluorescence Microplate Reader.  There are several multimode readers with exceptional sensitivity.   See the application chart below.

Berthold's line of multimode and dedicated microplate readers have varying capabilities.  Click below to see a chart displaying application compatibility.

Berthold In Vivo Imaging

Berthold Technologies

 Microplate Washer


Zoom HT LB 920



High-performance microplate washing is needed in a wide range of methods in the field of Life Sciences.  Automated microplate washing is a challenging process. The most important challenges are:


  • Reliable handling of troublesome ingredients: the reagents used in microplate coating can be troublesome, as they may clog the thin needles typically found in microplate washers, or produce large amounts of foam.

  • Low residual volume: this is of utmost importance in the case of microplate coating when removing the blocking reagent, as any remains would interfere in the assay to be performed in the microplates, but also in any washing protocol.

  • Gentle washing in the case of cell washing, as already mentioned. This may also be important in some ELISA assays, if the attachment of the coating to the microplate is weak.


Our Zoom Microplate Washers are able to accomplish all of this and much more, thanks to their high performance and flexibility. They can wash both 96-well and 384-well microplates without any hardware changes, as the same wash head is suitable for both microplate types.


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See the Zoom Microplate Washer in action.

Berthold Microplate Washers
Berthold Multimode
Berthold Fluorescence Reader
Berthold Absorbance Reader
Berthold Luminescence Readers

Berthold InVivo Imaging Systems

Berthold Technologies

 InVivo Imaging Systems


NightOWL II LB 983   /   NightShade LB 985



With over 20 years of experience Berthold Technologies is one of the pioneers of in vivo imaging. Our first system, the Luminograph enabled scientists to detect low light  emission in organisms, opening up the opportunity of monitoring reporter genes in animals and plants in a non-invasive way. This new and exciting technology changed medical research by providing the option to work under physiological conditions in a living animal. Today, it is possible to perform non-invasive in vivo imaging of specific molecular and cellular mechanisms.



NightOWL II LB 983

In Vivo Imaging System

The NightOwl LB 983 In Vivo Imaging System provides a modular, easy to use optical imaging system, delivering high sensitivity and resolution.

Supported by easy-to-use software to help you optimize your productivity and co-optimized accessories the NightOwl system represents a platform to perform almost any in vivo imaging application using luminescence or fluorescence.




NightShade LB 985

In vivo Plant Imaging System

The NightShade LB 985 In Vivo Plant Imaging System is a modular, easy to use optical imaging system dedicated to in vivo analysis of plants.

Equipped with an absolutely light-tight cabinet and a cooled CCD camera it enables sensitive luminescence and fluorescence monitoring in tissues, seedlings and whole plants.

The camera can be attached either to the ceiling or the side walls of the darkroom – the sample chamber – to facilitate imaging from above and from the side. Simulate key environmental conditions like temperature or humidity while powerful LED panels enable you to perform daylight simulation.



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Berthold Technologies

NightOWL II LB 983

In Vivo Imaging System

Berthold NightOWL II LB 983

Berthold Technologies

NightShade LB 985

In vivo Plant Imaging System

Berthold NightShade LB 985

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ELIZA Workstations


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